Soooo, I really try to NOT judge people cuz seriously, who am I to judge somebody?? Buuuuuuuut there are a few things that I can't even help but to judge. Like if I see you doing or saying certain things, I INSTANTLY judge you. Sorry. :-/
If you mispell the SAME word over 3 times while texting? #ImJudgingYou (yes, I KNOW this isn't Twitter, but hashtags kinda hit. shush.)
If you pronounce "specific", "pacific". #ImJudgingYou
If you're wearing a fanny pack!? #ImJudgingYou
You HONESTLY think Soulja Boy is an amazing rapper??? #ImJudgingYou (I don't care if you're only 12, you should know better.)
You wear socks with sandals? #ImJudgingYou
You're trying to be deep on Facebook/Twitter and you can't spell? #ImJudgingYou
Basically if you can't spell simple shit, i.e. feel, with, want, friend. #ImJudgingYou (I've seen people mispell ALL of those words.)
You're GROWN and have no cell phone?? Or any other kind of contact?? #ImJudgingYou cuz Metro PCS is GIVING away phones and minutes.
I'm not even gonna keep going...just be aware. I'm trying to get better, PROMISE! I just can't tolerate idiocy. or fanny packs.
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