Friday, September 10, 2010

Facebook :-/

Let me start off by saying I LOVE Facebook. I'm effin addicted and it's amazing. I've been pressed since it was JUST college students and all you could do was tag photos and poke people. BUT it has slowly become a place of ignorance and messiness and I kinda love it EVEN more. (but don't tell anybody...)

I just wanna point out a few things that really, REALLY irk the shit outta me everytime I log on. *sigh*

1. People who missed like 5 years worth of grammer lessons. Seriously people, it's NOT that hard. I promise.  When you have high school graduation pictures and you don't know the difference between to, too and two???? It makes me sad. So let me help you out

to- It's a preposition y'all. If you don't know how to use it, then I'm REALLY sad inside. Like depressed for you.
ex. She went to the beauty supply to buy a new lacefront.

too- 1. in addition; also; furthermore; moreover an excessive extent or degree; beyond what is desirable

ex. Gina needs a new lacefront, too.
     She is too big for those leggings.

two- It's a number y'all. You know, One, Two, Three...and so on. GET IT?? *sigh*

ex. The two of them need new lacefronts. NOW. (haha...I had to.)

2. People who delete their account and then reactivate it and act like it's a miracle. They always come back with a post like, "I couldn't do it! Hey FB, I'm back! Did you miss me??"
And then I'm all...what?? Miss u? You were GONE? Oooooh...yea, no. I don't care. I'm just saying if you're gonna de-activate then just stick with it. I have like almost 500 friends on FB, I can't keep up with even 1/4 of that...*sigh*

3. And do you know who's worse than them? The people who always have posts talkin about how they "think" they're gonna delete their account. Attention whore much? Just do it. Stop asking for people's opinions. 80% won't even know you're gone. PROMISE.

4. People who post what they're doing EVERY second. Getting in the shower, eating dinner, just got off the phone, bout to call my boo...etc. Seriously people...maybe your life is just boring, but please. Spare me. Nobody cares. And if they do, then maybe you should just text them.

5. People who change their profile picture more than once a day. Do I REALLY need to see ALL those angles?? Is this some inside joke I'm missing out on? Cuz I don't get it. AT ALL. And believe me, I think I'm DAMN cute. You do know their are photo albums right? You can put as many pics as you want! I just don't want to have to guess what your default is everytime I refresh the page. Please and thank you.

6. And last but DEF not least. The people who constantly put the SADDEST thing they can think of in their status. I can't decide if they're really just THAT pitiful or if they just want attention. I assume attention, because why else would you put it on FACEBOOK! *sigh* But seriously, I don't wanna be sad when I get on Facebook. Knockitoff. You're ruining it for everybody. Party pooper. :-P

 If you are guilty of any of these, just do me a favor and get it together.
Thanks in advance!! :-D

Feel free to leave your Facebook pet peeves in the comments!

Oh and stay tuned for my pet peeves of Facebook's baby mama's, sister's lil cousin, Twitter!

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