Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Keri Hilson :-(

So I was browsing a few of my FAVORITE blogs this morning, when I ran across a post stating that Keri Hilson was unverified on Twitter. Courtesy of Crunk & Disorderly.

I literally LOL'd, cuz really??? Who DID that? How much SHADE is Twitter throwing?

Honestly tho, I really tried to give Ms. Hilson a chance.  I thought she deserved to finally have some shine of her own, and to just stop being behind the scenes.  I almost thought she could be like a female version of Ne-Yo.

And theeeeeeennnn, she started on some bullshit. She started talkin out her neck about Beyonce and Ciara and who knows who else.  And that's fine...you got your lil single out and now you think you're big time. Right. -__-

And if you've ever followed her on Twitter, then you've seen her antics. She just a mess. Bad grammer, mispelling shit, talkin MADNESS. You're a SONGWRITER!!! Shouldn't you be able to WRITE??? No?? My bad...apparently I don't get it.

And even then, I was still tryna roll with her.

But THEN. She did some shit that I can't even defend!!!

This..........BROAD(I really just almost called her out her name.) made a BIG ass deal about singing the National Anthem at an Atlanta Hawks game vs the LA Lakers and FORGOT the GOTdamn words to the song. See the video below. *sigh*

Now, I understand that she fixed her mistake and went to sing it fine. And for that I give her credit.  What killed it for me was the next day on Twitter she claimed "sound problems".

Come again?? Sound problems made you forget the WORDS??? What does sound have to do with your memory sweetheart???

Ughhhh. If she would've just owned up to her mistake, apologized and maybe add a smiley face or two, I might've diregarded it. But nooooo, you start talkin out your neck again. Talking about "Well it happened 2 Aretha & the best of em!! EEK!!" << did you just compare yourself to ARETHA??? ARETHA FRANKLIN???

Girl, BYE.

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